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The biggest enemy of Why

Probably everyone saw Simon Synek's 'Start with Why.'. I spent some time learning myself this principle and - surprise - it works...

Open mind - closed mind

Based on my best experience, when I join a new job or discuss any company's situation, I ask, what's your career plan? Do you have your...

Growing your substitute

A few days ago, I was in an interesting meeting organized by Brno Innovation Centre, where young CEOs and company owners usually meet....

Share feedback to your leader

A few months ago, I made an interesting experience. We were on one of the management training and there was an exercise to give feedback...


So, I've just bought a Grammarly. Let's see how it works (by reading this article, you'll read one other article!). I'm not a native...

When it comes to tears

It has happened to me several times: tears. No matter what's the reason, it was always surprising and always the question of how to react....

Challenge your universe

We all live in our bubbles - our family, friends, co-workers, and Friday visitors from a local pub. Some of them you like more, some of...

Career path brings happiness

I have read the book 'Drive' by Daniel Pink (you can watch his Ted Talk here: Great one....

Performance review experiment

In the last two days, I've tried one experiment with my team: the regular quarterly performance review was for the first time driven...

Promoting is not an art

In one of my previous posts, I've mentioned that someone who claims "promoting is an art" should be fired. Promoting should be well...

The extra step for senior

I'm not going to discuss how long any engineer needs to work on a certain project, how many lines of code he wrote or whether he's...

SuperMan (ager).

Even nowadays, in the dawn of the 20s, I often encounter believes that managing a team means leading them both in people and technical...

Devils in the performance reviews

During my career, I've seen several approaches to regular performance reviews. I've also tried several approaches from my side and I'm right

How do I handle my assignments (2)

In this post, I want to share another incredible tool I'm using on a daily basis. It's (drumroll...) pen & paper. Yes, these ancient artifac

How do I handle my assignments (1)

Once I've read about this 'Get things done' concept. It seemed to address my those-days issues with consistent forgetting about deadlines...

Adam Dostál | Manager

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