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  • Obrázek autoraAdam Dostál

Career path brings happiness

Aktualizováno: 16. 2. 2020

I have read the book 'Drive' by Daniel Pink (you can watch his Ted Talk here: Great one.

Usually, the career path is considered as necessary steps, skills, and achievements to get the promotion or at least an improvement to your payroll. The career path brings safety to this process, still, the main benefit is somewhere else. It's about happiness and satisfaction.

Daniel's main point is that all this around is not about money. Satisfaction is something else than money or a higher position. Within a few weeks after the promotion, you'll start to think about how to get even higher; within days after 5% raise, you'll ask another 7.5%.

The sense of any career path is not about getting any benefits. It's way more about ensuring yourself you are on the right track.

When you have your wishes, you may find blockers why these wishes are continuously unachievable. Or these wishes even aren't your life goals. Until you put these down and you reflect regularly on them you can't make a conscious decision whether this is what you have always wanted.

Shall you share or not your career path? You may look too ambitious, someone who's just too away from his desired position or even as someone who is not a good fit in your dream job. You may underestimate yourself and you may be on the right track.

In case your colleagues are mature enough to tell you, do you want to know?

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